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Me and Mr. Darcy

August 18, 2007

Me and Mr. Darcy: A Novel book cover of Me and Mr. Darcy byAlexandra Potter

After a string of disastrous dates, Emily Albright decides she’s had it with modern-day love and would much rather curl up with Pride and Prejudice and spend her time with Mr. Darcy, the dashing, honorable, and passionate hero of Jane Austen’s classic. So when her best friend suggests a wild week of margaritas and men in Mexico with the girls, Emily abruptly flees to England on a guided tour of Jane Austen country instead. Far from inspiring romance, the company aboard the bus consists of a gaggle of little old ladies and one single man, Spike Hargreaves, a foul-tempered journalist writing an article on why the fictional Mr. Darcy has earned the title of Man Most Women Would Love to Date.

The last thing Emily expects to find on her excursion is a broodingly handsome man striding across a field, his damp shirt clinging to his chest. But that’s exactly what happens when she comes face-to-face with none other than Mr. Darcy himself. Suddenly, every woman’s fantasy becomes one woman’s reality. . . .

The above description of Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter is from the Random House website. What I picked up as a last minute purchase before heading to the airport turned out to be the perfect read when you are stuck on a plane for many hours.

Pride and Prejudice - The Special Edition (A&E, 1996)

The premise of the book is interesting and it is light-hearted throughout. Emily is a spunky, almost Bridget Jones like girl. The book mirrors the story in Pride & Prejudice, so there isn’t much guess work to figure out where the book is headed. Still, there is a cute little twist in the end and the book is wrapped up all nice and tidy. Not anything earthshattering here, but it  did make me want to watch the A&E mini-series version of Pride & Prejudice with Colin Firth again.

A note about the cover art: I purchased Me and Mr. Darcy at this bookstore while in Hong Kong. The cover art which is illustrated is the version I purchased. The book cover with the photograph is the one available on and also through Target as one of their bookmarked book selections. Which one do you guys like? I think the one I picked up in Hong Kong is more visually pleasing. I find it interesting that they used the same color scheme (blue and green) in both versions.

13 Comments leave one →
  1. Kikalee permalink
    August 18, 2007 10:58 pm

    Hands down the HK version is so much more striking. I’m getting so tired of the “chick-lit” design…US publishers are killing us with swirly typefaces and stick figure women!

  2. August 19, 2007 1:10 am

    I really like the one you purchased in Hong Kong, too. I love that kind of illustration 🙂

  3. August 21, 2007 11:14 am

    I agree, the Hong Kong version is more appealing, especially with that cute pile of books. I dislike photos on my books, somehow.

  4. August 22, 2007 12:32 pm

    I definitely like the Hong Kong cover better. Wow! You have really been doing a lot of traveling lately. Hope it proved to be fun.

  5. August 22, 2007 4:02 pm

    Any excuse to re-watch Mr. Firth in the mini-series is fine with me!

    Sounds like a book I’d love.

  6. August 22, 2007 6:23 pm

    While on this theme – may I suggest The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield? I think you will love it!

  7. August 24, 2007 8:10 pm

    Sounds like loads of fun! And, welcome back! I really enjoyed reading about your travels in China and seeing the photos of Maya and the family.

  8. October 2, 2007 6:30 pm

    I have this book sitting on my shelf waiting for me to read it. I’ve heard both good and bad about it, so I’m not sure if I’ll like it, but I’ve been on a Jane Austen adaptation thing lately. Happy to hear you liked it, and anything that makes you want to go back and rewatch the movie adaptation with Colin Firth in it is obviously going to be a good thing. 😉

  9. October 10, 2007 3:21 pm

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  1. All Jane Austen, all the time « The Written Word
  2. Me and Mr. Darcy « Jackets & Covers
  3. Me and Mr. Darcy « Ardent Reader

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